
Logged in to jump some spare ships between corps NPC null HQ and -A- staging system today and decided to hang around rather than logski fast. (Generally, if I have to goto work, I rather log off than sit in corp chat and log when a CTA is due. My timezone sucks that way, and I don't wanna give the appearance of not pulling my weight just cause I gotta goto work). Today was different, CTA was due in about four hours (getting up early ftw) and I felt that I could hang out and shoot the shit for two then log without looking like I was ducking CTA's.

15 minutes in, Emergency CTA...

Now, if I sound better please reconsider! I don't want to avoid CTA's, I just dont wanna get dragged out to hostile systems for 4 hours when I have to get to work in two. Emergency CTA, with plenty of time to just sit in front of my computer and take part is a welcome change for me! I was glad to be able to pull some weight before heading off to work.

Call was for scimies, drakes, supers and titans. Then fc mentioned that he needed 5 more dictors. AWESOME. I just trained dictors, and I'd even got one laying around insured (it was very cheap, and I intended to fly it extra stupid).

Form up on the titan, bridge to location, and over comms I hear some Russian followed by "Password is *****, dictors bubble on bridge in". Land on grid with a pos, three Initiative carriers inside, and several -A- titans/supers sitting outside tanking the pos guns. Next fifteen minutes spent bumping the carriers out of the POS, taking one or two pot shots and bubbling once they're out (gotta whore in a small fast ship), and going back in to get the next one out. IN the end, we killed all three; though it took a bit of time. Some friendly drake pilots were orbiting the carriers and deflecting smaller faster ships bumps away from the carriers right as we got within range.

Got myself on two carrier kills, then once caps were charging cap to jump out I warped to a pounce on the GE- gate (figured I'd cloak up and give eyes). Two seconds from dropping out of warp FC tells fleet that someone has a pilgrim tackle on the gate. SCORE! Pounced down, killed it, and managed to get the best of the loot too. The heretic has already paid for itself, and its reimbursable on CTA's. I love this new ship :)


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